
How to wear an earcuff?

How to wear an earcuff?

The earcuff has become THE trendy jewel! 

Fake piercing, perfect to be in the trend without the option of piercing!

 At Waekura we are fans of this style and you can find many of them on our eshop. How to wear it? What to wear it with? Which jewellery put with? 

We answer all your questions here!

How to WEAR IT?

1. Start from the thinnest part of the ear and slide it to either side of the cartilage. 

2. Slide the jewel over the middle of the ear. 

3. Place the jewel in the desired location and tighten, pressing gently if necessary. 

Your earcuff is well placed and will not move! 


Do you need to have your ears pierced?

No! Unlike traditional earrings, earcuffs do not require piercing. Earcuffs sit on the outside of the ear and can be put on and taken off freely whenever you want. They give the spirit of a piercing, without the inconvenience of one. 

Which side should I wear my earcuff on?

You can wear your earcuffs on any side you like. However, most of the time they are worn on the left side, as the other ear is often used for telephoning. But the choice is yours! 

Can I wear them to shower/sleep/swim?

Earcuffs, like the rest of our jewellery, are water resistant, but it may be best to remove them to avoid losing the jewellery as it may slip off in water. 

It is also better to take it off when you go to sleep, as this is more comfortable. The earcuff could be crushed and hurt you. 

What to wear with earcuffs? 

Anything goes with ear cuffs! You can create the look, the style you want. Earrings, hoop earrings, studs, charms can all be matched with ear cuffs. You can adapt to the trend. Earcuffs are a great way to vary your look and can be adapted to any style. 

From now on, the earcuff has no secrets for you! 

If you have any further questions about the jewellery, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or on our social networks. We will be happy to help you! 

See you soon for more tips. 

Team Waekura 


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